Monday, January 30, 2012

I am a Geek Girl, hear me roar.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I've never said it before nor did I really realize it, 
 but I am a Geek Girl.

I love mainstream Sci-Fi.  Star Wars, Firefly, Doctor Who. Love it.

I will enthusiastically and with great detail dress as movie characters whenever the opportunity calls for it.

I will attend movie dressed in full period-appropriate costume... a week after the film opened.

I really, really, really want to attend a Con. Dragon*Con, Comic-Con, whatever. In full costume, of course. 
I find Steampunk beautiful and am planning on using elements to outfit a future home.

I am slightly obsessed with Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Who. 

I regularly quote movies and television shows in every day life.

When my best friend gives me an umbrella with a sword handle for Christmas, I think it is on of the coolest gifts ever and I dress the part and do a photo shoot with it.

I will have a Nerf war with you, anytime, anywhere.

I will have an epic battle against my best friend with toy swords in the toy department of Target and then ride across the parking lot in a shopping cart. 

I believe only Star Wars Episodes IV, V and VI exist.

I re-read the entire Harry Potter series within a month and still openly wept at the end. 

I have read and re-read my favorite book, Beauty by Robin Mckinley probably 10 times and will read it at least 10 more.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is my favorite movie and one of my favorite books.

I will be attending at least one, if not more, Can't Stop the Serenity events this summer.

I am a Browncoat. 
I am a Whovian. 
I am a Geek Girl

It keeps me joyful, young at heart, full of imagination and sense of adventure. 

I am a Geek Girl.
And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Not always knowing where I'm going, but never, ever lost.