Saturday, February 14, 2009

L is for the way you look at me...

To all the single peoples out there, Happy Candy and Commercialism Day!

To all those who are attached, Happy Valentines Day!

Either way, have a good day and much love to you all!

(I don't know why the heart is blue, it was red when I copied it...)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Rexburg, M.D.

Houston, we have a problem...

So...not only do I feel like I do not belong in Rexburg, I find I am also having health issues in Idaho...

I am finding it difficult to get rested in the 'burg. I wake up, even after 8+ hours of sleep and feel just as tired as I went to bed, maybe even more so. At first it was the altitude that was getting me but now that I've adjusted to that, I still don't feel refreshed and ready to go...It's a little frustrating.

Also I feel like I may be shedding more so here than in Florida...I'm not sure if this is a result of the dryness that is another health issue for me or what it is...also not cool...

Third, I am allergic to Rexburg water...I have been since I moved here. I don't know if it's because of the amount of chlorine they put in the water or what it is, but it does not like me. I get physically sick from it. It is very painful and I am not a big fan...

Sorry to be such a Debbie Downer, but these things are just more of an assurance of something I already knew...

It's time to say goodbye to Rexburg...


Not always knowing where I'm going, but never, ever lost.