Sunday, April 19, 2009

Is that?...Can it be?...It is!

Well, it's finally here...

I'm about to start my final semester at Brigham Young University-Idaho...

Mind you, I still have student teaching this fall, but in approximately 96 days I will no longer have to take any classes, hand in any real homework or buy any mores expensive text books.

It's going to be awesome!

...well, the finishing part, we'll have to see how the actual semester goes.

For the time being, I'm excited. The end is near! I can see the light at the end of that proverbial tunnel!



Harper said...

Why does everyone say "proverbial" when it is already assumed that it is part of a proverb already? Maybe everyone is doing this and I'm just the one that is out of the loop... Just maybe.

Tyler said...

That was a Tyler comment by the way.

Celeste said...

I think it's appropriate. There's got to be a proverb about a light at the end of the tunnel...I think

Not always knowing where I'm going, but never, ever lost.