Houston, we have a problem...
So...not only do I feel like I do not belong in Rexburg, I find I am also having health issues in Idaho...
I am finding it difficult to get rested in the 'burg. I wake up, even after 8+ hours of sleep and feel just as tired as I went to bed, maybe even more so. At first it was the altitude that was getting me but now that I've adjusted to that, I still don't feel refreshed and ready to go...It's a little frustrating.
Also I feel like I may be shedding more so here than in Florida...I'm not sure if this is a result of the dryness that is another health issue for me or what it is...also not cool...
Third, I am allergic to Rexburg water...I have been since I moved here. I don't know if it's because of the amount of chlorine they put in the water or what it is, but it does not like me. I get physically sick from it. It is very painful and I am not a big fan...
Sorry to be such a Debbie Downer, but these things are just more of an assurance of something I already knew...
It's time to say goodbye to Rexburg...
It's all about motivation. If you have none, you have no reason to get out of bed. Life is tough.
Heck- I feel your pain! Man, when we were almost done with school (actually Ry was almost done, I was just waiting for him to catch up) I couldn't find much to like about Rexburg. When you're done, you're done, that's what I say! We still can't evsion going back for another 10 years without shuddering.
Now don't get me wrong- I loved the Rex when I had a reason to be there- once it was gone (i.e., I graduated) I'm sorry, but leaving was my #1 goal. That's just hw it goes with some of us. So, I hear ya sista. Complain to me any day, I know what you're feeling.
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