Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Is there something in the water?

I'm trying to get better and consistently posting here. I've gotten flack in the past about it.

So, not to bring this up again but what that heck is up with the amount of my friends getting engaged?!

It's not just that they're getting engaged, it's also that a number of my friends are also now in a relationship.

But not me.

Maybe I've brought this upon myself, never staying in one place long, always looking towards the next development...

I thought it would be different here in Orlando...I would be in one place for a whole year! Surely something would develop!

Well, it's already September and I haven't even had a date let alone a relationship...

Ah well, that's just how things are playing out for me right now, I guess...

Maybe next year.


Amy said...

You have alot of friends intheir twenties, it's a natural occurance. Trust me, been there! Wait ill they start having kids!lol

It's all about attitude, my dear. Just enjoy the moment wherever you are and then you'll be happy with wahtever comes your way - or not:)
Love you!

Amy said...

Wow... maybe I should have proofread that!lol


Not always knowing where I'm going, but never, ever lost.