Tuesday, August 24, 2010

So here's what's happening...

Well, as is seen by my count down clock up in the corner, I obviously was offered and accepted an extension to my College Program.

To be honest, I wasn't totally gung-ho about accepting it.

I've grown tired of Florida and working for Disney. Especially the abuse Disney guest put cast members through. I sincerely don't understand how people can work something like Attractions for years on end. The mundane-ness, the stupidity of the guests, the attitudes of fellow cast members... It's hard to take every single day!

Anyway, I have a few more months here and then I will be heading back to Canada

....But that will be a limited engagement, because, in June, I am moving to.....


It's a bit of a long story but I will provide details soon. I'm just really excited to announce it!

1 comment:

Harper said...

That is awesome and exciting and European! :) We are thrilled for you! :)


Not always knowing where I'm going, but never, ever lost.