Saturday, March 13, 2010

Is this thing on? taptaptap

Whew...that was quite the hiatus. It's ok. Nothing has actually happened in the last 4 months anyway... Just kidding.

There has been quite a lot going on but, ever since my summer blog-a-thon due to a class requirement, I have been a little reluctant to do much here. And, in a logic I don't even understand, my brain was thinking that because I was reading other people's blogs...I was keeping mine updated.

Yeah. Don't ask. Because I know how dumb that is.

Anyway, some updates as of late.

I completed my much dreaded student teaching in November at Basic High School in Henderson, NV. It wasn't the most pleasant experience ever but I made some fantastic friends and learned a TON in the process.

In completing the student teaching, I have also received my diploma from BYU-Idaho...Which was very cool. I have a degree... How awesome is that?!

After I finished in Nevada, Dad and I took a massive cross country road trip to bring my car to Florida,as I started a internship with Disney in January, and then we drove home to Canada as well. So much fun. Everyone should roadtrip on a regular basis. Tell your friends.

After being home for a month or so I returned to Orlando to begin my second Disney College Program.

And so far, I love it!

I'm in the process of applying for a Professional Internship with Disney and hopefully, that will be the next step in my year long visa...

Seriously though, pray for me. I really want this internship and I'm scared that I won't get it. Please.

Anyway, that's what's shaking in my world at the moment. Hopefully I'll feel motivated to keep a better update here.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Celeste - my DAD went to Basic High School, and all his family. They grew up in Henderson. We always say this joke, "Go to Basic High for a basic education."

Anyway - good luck with the internship!

Not always knowing where I'm going, but never, ever lost.