Sunday, October 18, 2009

To Glee or not to Glee? That is the question...

I would just like to start by saying I am not one of the people who thought the TV show Glee was amazing from the pilot alone.

It didn't feel right.

Some thing was missing or off about the whole thing and I just wasn't doing it for me.

Maybe it was the fact that I didn't have anything remotely resembling glee club in high school or just the story lines themselves.

What ever it was, I wasn't hooked on the show. I would watch it casually to keep up so I could make an informed judgment, but I wasn't loving it.

That is, until this week's episode.

This week, called Throwdown, was different for me.

Well, I'll admit I wasn't diggin' it too much until the end. That's what really brought it together.

In the last five or so minutes of the episode, I was finally able to see what others have been raving about this show.

If nothing else, the closing number nearly brought me to tears. It is amazing the power of music and the emotions it can invoke.

I won't be raving that "the show is absolutely amazing and everyone has to watch it!" But I will say, if anything else, watch it for the songs and the power that music has to move you and help you express and recognize what you are feeling.

That is one thing this show does have.

1 comment:

Maymo said...

Celeste, I too have been watching Glee casually. The story lines seemed a little choppy from each episode to the next. You could almost watch each one separately and still understand what was going on... That all changed this past week with the last song. While you almost cried, I did cry. But I also cried when Will saw his 'baby' for the first time, but that's beside the point :)

Not always knowing where I'm going, but never, ever lost.